Category: Philosophy

Oprah Mouth, Insert Foot

One of the criticisms that gets leveled at atheists from time to time is the claim that atheists think they’re “superior” to theists allegedly because atheists think theists must be “stupid” or “deluded” or...

Existential 6-5000

A video clip of an appearance by Louis C.K. on Conan O’Brian’s show has recently started making the rounds.  Louis explains why he doesn’t let his daughters have cell phones: Needless to say, since...

Sugar Coated Evil

Despite having graduated several years ago, I still infest attend meetings of the Philosophy and Religion Club at my alma mater, Montclair State University.  I’m also active in the department’s Facebook page, where a...

Credo Quia Absurdum Est

Yes, I know, it’s a misquote.  So is “play it again, Sam” but that doesn’t stop anyone.  As a good old movie once said, “When the legend becomes fact, print the legend”. When dealing...

Creationists Hoodwinked; Film at 11

According to the blog Why Evolution Is True, Belgian philosopher Dr. Maarten Boudry has pulled off a Sokal-style hoax, submitting an abstract full of gibberish to two theology conferences.  The abstract is included in...